Bloom Yellow Bottle Silica 53.2% 1L
Having trouble giving your plant the support it needs? Are you looking for thick branches to hold the weight you desire? Bloom Yellow Bottles Silica will give you the industrial strength your plant needs for commercial production.
Our Bloom Silica Boost potent formula delivers water-soluble potassium silicate directly to the plant’s roots. Significantly creating thick cell walls that gives your plants maximum protection against insect and fungus attacks, increases resistance to environmental stressors wherein improving water uptake so that the plants can focus their energy on blooming and productivity.
Easy application- Apply during all stages of growth and bloom
You can use Bloom Yellow Bottles Silica throughout the cycle of veg and flower cycles. Application can be by setting the pH value to 7 in a vessel of water before adding to nutrient solution. If using ‘bloom SILICA’ for raising the pH of nutrient solution then only lower the pH to desired level to reach the target pH requiredIt is extremely alkaline so it is important to PH balance after adding Bloom Yellow Bottles Silica to your reservoir or before adding other nutrients or feeding directly to the plants.Versatile applicationCan be used in any growing method, growing medium, indoors, outdoors, pots or in the ground – simply consult the relevant feed schedule for application rates to suit your system (or develop your own method). Silica Bloom will give you great yields and leave your soil ready for the next crop.Why Chose Us?
We use highly concentrated organic based nutrients sourced out of Australia. The ingredients are mostly derived from organic plant matter, fungi or the earth. Based on scientific research, Bloom is designed to maximize plants own genetic capabilities, bringing the very best out of nature.